This too shall pass (COVID-19)

COVID-19 This is a difficult time for everyone. In what seems like a flash our world as we know it has been put on pause. Supply chains are broken, many are now working remotely, some of our customers’ entire businesses are on-hold, while others have seen their business become 100% online from under 5%, overnight. So many are now thrust into unemployment all with little to no warning.
However if you work in IT or application development, you are going to be busier than ever! Application availability and performance are today the critical success factors that drive business. This will closely be followed by user experience. Any weakness in UX will now have a much larger impact on the business than ever. UAT is now absolutely critical.
What can you do today to streamline and automate elements of the delivery of change or new apps, and become better at optimizing performance and availability?
Nastel has been helping enterprises to improve their availability, performance and user experience for over 25 years. Today we’re able to provide a series of unique innovations that can help every enterprise to optimize at this complex time, and save money at the same time. This is the perfect time to reach out to Nastel.
Find out more at Nastel!