Scaling Kafka? Learn How To Avoid Costly Mistakes! Download Our Free eBook
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Published June 2, 2022

The world of web development happens to have ceaseless wonders in it. The arena is now reverberating with a fresh buzzword and it is blockchain technology. With an appropriate implementation of blockchain technology you can help a web page track effective databases with more panache and flamboyance.

How to use blockchain technology in web development
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Published November 4, 2021

Researchers and thought leaders shared 3 predictions for enterprise CIOs and IT leaders that are particularly relevant and important to consider as we move into 2022:

Prediction 1: Through 2026, 65% of CIOs will sustain a cycle of tech-based empowerment, agility, and resilience through collaborative governance, new service delivery models, and a business outcomes orientation.

CIOs, Leaders Facing Unprecedented Empowerment and Challenges – Top Predictions