Scaling Kafka? Learn How To Avoid Costly Mistakes! Download Our Free eBook
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Published September 13, 2022

There are a few key differences between distributed tracing and OpenTelemetry. One is that OpenTelemetry offers a more unified approach to instrumentation, while distributed tracing takes a more granular approach. This means that OpenTelemetry can be less time-consuming to set up, but it doesn’t necessarily offer as much visibility into your system as distributed tracing does.

What is Distributed Tracing vs OpenTelemetry?
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Published July 19, 2022

New Analyst Report Details Emerging i2M Sector, Market Landscape, and Key Insights for IT and Business-level Buyers

"Nastel is uniquely placed when it comes to understanding the configuration information and message content of messaging middleware and integration infrastructure”

— Saurabh Sharma, GigaOm


Nastel Technologies, the world’s #1 i2M (Integration Infrastructure Management) company, today announced that it has been rated as a leader in GigaOm’s new Integration Infrastructure Management & Transaction Observability Sonar Report.

Nastel Recognized as Leader in Integration Infrastructure Management & Transaction Observability by GigaOm
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Published July 14, 2022

Integration and middleware staffing issues within IT Operations and Service Delivery teams are common, even in the largest enterprises.  Here is the story of one large enterprise:

Talent Issues at a Large Global Financial Services Firm

Because of the complex nature of their messaging middleware and overall integration infrastructure (i2) environment, the organization required specialists for each management tool or platform, whether from a middleware vendor, homegrown solution, or third-party management tool.

Middleware & Integration Staff Issue? – F500 Bank Found a Better Approach
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Published July 4, 2022

Formed in 2021, the Nastel Technologies Advisory Board is made up of business and IT leaders from a wide variety of sectors, across the world. These enterprise leaders and innovators understand the incredibly important role of planning for, and the management of, the integration infrastructure (i2) layer (including messaging middleware, APIs, and much more) in their enterprises to enable meeting IT and larger corporate goals in 2022.

Thank You 2022 Nastel Advisory Board Members!
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Published June 30, 2022

Continuous intelligence (CI) platforms can be used to collect telemetry data from various sources, perform analysis on that data, make inferences about the data, and provide real-time insights that help businesses understand what’s going on.

For years, network, application performance, and security monitoring were fairly passive operations.

Your Telemetry Data is Faster, Is Your Analysis?
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Published June 28, 2022

Most of us picture cloud security threats as bad actors in some hostile country. More often, it’s you and your coworkers.

Talk about cloud security and you’re likely to discuss provider-focused issues: not enough security, not enough auditing, not enough planning.

Cloud security risks remain very human
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Published February 4, 2022

According to research by Connecting Software, Fortune 1000 firms spend 40% of their IT budget on their Integration Infrastructure. Gartner Group’s John-David Lovelock said: “…digital tech initiatives remain a top strategic business priority for companies, focusing spending on making their infrastructure bulletproof and accommodating increasingly complex hybrid work.” He continues that enterprise software will have the highest growth in 2022, driven by infrastructure software spending to outpace application software spending.

How to Unlock the Full Value From Your Investment in Integration Infrastructure
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Published September 13, 2021

The speed of Information Technology (IT) advancements is astounding. A few years ago, with a little commitment to study, someone could learn enough about IT to build a complete environment by themselves. But today’s hyper-virtualized environments contain so many layers of technology that it takes teams of specialists to be able to build and manage.

meshIQ Middleware Management and Observability Platform
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Published August 31, 2021

Information Technology (IT) has moved through many clearly defined eras. I don’t feel the need to list them all, but the latest one clearly is the move from discrete computers to virtualized software-configured environments, that we all colloquially call “the cloud”.

Integration Infrastructure Management is the New Black