COVID-19 delivered a blow to the way we all work, and almost overnight millions of us has to learn how to work remotely. For many companies this forced lesson, taught them that actually remote working can have a lot of positive benefits.

COVID-19 delivered a blow to the way we all work, and almost overnight millions of us has to learn how to work remotely. For many companies this forced lesson, taught them that actually remote working can have a lot of positive benefits.
Julius Caesar is quoted as saying “Veni, vidi, vici” (I came, I saw, I conquered), if Caesar had been a businessman in 2020, I think he may have said Collectas indicium Lunaris examinetur et sententiis (I collected data, I analyzed, I decided), and he may have added I used Nastel XRay to do it.
COVID-19 - Cost companies have a list of priorities that are set each year, and budgets and resources are aligned to these. For most companies the priority list looks something like this:
COVID-19 has slowed down 1&2 for most businesses, and while there is pressure on budgets, all of a sudden 3&4 have moved to the top of the list. While GRC improvements are always “planned “, often having a plan is enough to meet the requirements, so in many cases this is the “can that is kicked down the road”.
While we all continue to shelter in place, many companies are now going through the process of getting ready to reopen offices. Here in New York the government has put in place a rigorous reopening plan (one that I suspect is similar to that of most other countries and states).
The world is waking up to the importance of tracing and tracking techniques, something experienced operations staff have used for decades.
In IT terms the idea of following the pathway (the act of tracing) that a user takes through a complex business system is the cornerstone of the analysis that is performed by security and operations teams every day.
As we prepare for the first rounds of business to open across the nation, we’re all expecting a number of things to happen in parallel, including:
There are some excellent sources of data on the spread of the COVID19 virus around the world, and across the different states and counties.
But how can you use this data to understand what is happening and how it can be expected to change over time?
COVID-19 The world has been surprised by the impact of a virus on the global economy.
Very quickly manufacturing, transportation and the lives of billions of people were disrupted.
COVID - 19 It’s a fact of life that new shiny things are more interesting that old, dull things. And yet it’s the boring stuff that keeps the world working. Once the problems have been ironed out and technology just works, it’s a lot less interesting for innovators to “play” with.
COVID - 19 - This is not the first time the world has experienced a deadly contagious plague, and it’s likely to not be the last.
Our world has changed, and for many of us who are now working from home, this is a time to make use of technology as our primary way of performing business.