Scaling Kafka? Learn How To Avoid Costly Mistakes! Download Our Free eBook
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Published September 14, 2022

Apache Kafka is a high-throughput, low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds. Its storage layer is in essence a massively scalable pub/sub message queue designed as a distributed transaction log. It can be used to process streams of data in real-time, building up a commit log of changes.

How to use OpenTelemetry for Kafka Monitoring
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Published June 21, 2022

Organizations are moving from monolithic architecture (where all the code building the application exists as a single, monolithic entity) to microservices architecture as it simplifies app management, making it easier to build, deploy, update, test and scale each service independently without affecting other parts of the architecture.

Setup RabbitMQ in HA Mode using Kubernetes Operator
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Published June 3, 2022

In this guide, we’ll explore the basics of using Express.js middleware. We’ll create a simple Express API from scratch, then add the middleware to it and demonstrate how to use each tool.

The Express middleware tools we’re going to discuss are must-haves for your initial Express.js app setup.

Express middleware: A complete guide
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Published April 8, 2022

Developers strive to produce efficient code. Many times, developers will add code to their repositories and test it to make sure it works, but they are forgetting one very important step: benchmarking! Benchmarking allows developers to see the performance impact on their code output.

Continuous Performance Regression Testing for CI/CD
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Published December 14, 2021

It seems that every few weeks, we are alerted to a new significant security issue within one of the plethoras of code elements that are widely used. The same pundits discuss the same range of concerns with open-sourced code each time.

Log4j gets added to the code “wall of shame.”
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Published June 25, 2021

Information Technology as an industry is deeply divided into disciplines. Many organizations have built detailed models to describe all the elements, and how they fit together. ISO and ITIL and what seems like hundreds of additional standards organizations have written books, run conferences, and sell consulting services to help describe just how complex everything is.

Are You an Under-appreciated Messaging Middleware Guru?