Jack of all Trades, Master of One

The speed of Information Technology (IT) advancements is astounding. A few years ago, with a little commitment to study, someone could learn enough about IT to build a complete environment by themselves. But today’s hyper-virtualized environments contain so many layers of technology that it takes teams of specialists to be able to build and manage.
Of course, today’s technology does things that were just not practical in earlier iterations.
When you start to use any new module, the makers have generally done a lot to make it easy. There will be free training, wizards to guide you through setup, and communities who will help you integrate it into what you may already have.
The challenge comes later when you move from small to large when you need to scale your use of technology to match your business need.
Over the last few years, I’ve seen this time and again in the area of messaging middleware. Systems like IBM’s MQ and Apache’s Kafka delivered through platforms such as AWS or Azure are great choices. When you go through the AppStore’s, do the online training and join the special interest groups, you end up with a powerful way of managing the integration of your application stacks.
The challenge comes when you need to manage the requests of hundreds of developers to make changes to their queues to deal with a new release of your applications. All of a sudden you find that your ability to deliver on time is stretched, and you have to either cut corners to deliver or miss deadlines. Neither choice is acceptable.
It’s at this point you need better ways to manage integration engineering at scale, and for this, you need to find out about i2M also know as Integration Infrastructure Management. i2M is designed to allow larger organizations to deliver a secure, compliant, reliable, and high-performance way of managing integration infrastructure such as messaging middleware. i2M is a new name, but it’s an established discipline that many of the most successful enterprises have been investing in for decades.
If you are interested in finding out more, please join this week’s webinar, click here to register (it’s free).