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Published September 4, 2024

How to Integrate MQ Monitoring into Modernized Mainframe Environments 

How to Integrate MQ Monitoring into Modernized Mainframe Environments

Integrating MQ monitoring into a newly modernized mainframe environment isn’t something you can just wing. We’ve worked on projects where it seemed straightforward at first—just plug in some monitoring tools and you’re good to go, right? Not quite. The reality is, if you don’t approach this with a plan, you’ll find yourself tangled in a web of configuration headaches and performance hiccups. Here, we share some steps and lessons learned from our experiences to make this process as smooth as possible. 

Step 1: Assess Your Environment 

First things first, you’ve got to know what you’re working with. We’ve seen environments where systems communicate in unexpected ways and some applications are more sensitive to monitoring tools than others. It’s crucial to take the time to assess your environment. Identify all the systems and applications that interact with MQ. Understand their dependencies and how they communicate. Make a list of your mainframe components and map out how messages flow between them. 

It’s also important to know your performance baselines. Before adding any new monitoring tools, capture the current state of your system. Knowing your system’s normal behavior helps you spot anomalies down the line. You don’t want to be caught off guard by a slowdown because you didn’t know what “normal” looked like. 

Step 2: Choose the Right Monitoring Tools 

Once you’ve got a good handle on your environment, the next step is choosing the right MQ monitoring tools. There are many tools out there, each promising to meet all your needs. Some are great for monitoring basic metrics like queue depth or message rates, while others provide deep insights into message latency, application performance, and even predictive analytics. 

When selecting a tool, consider your specific needs. Do you need real-time monitoring, or are periodic checks sufficient? Do you require alerting capabilities for when things go awry? We’ve found that integrating a tool that provides both real-time monitoring and historical data analysis is invaluable. It allows you to see trends over time and understand not just what’s happening now but what’s likely to happen in the future. Additionally, ensure the tool integrates well with your existing systems to avoid compatibility issues. 

Step 3: Plan Your Integration Strategy 

Now that you’ve selected your tools, it’s time to plan your integration strategy. This is where you need to be methodical. Start by determining the critical points in your MQ environment that require monitoring. For example, you might want to monitor specific queues that handle high-value transactions or keep an eye on channels that are known bottlenecks. Prioritize these areas to ensure your monitoring efforts focus on what matters most. 

One effective approach we’ve learned is not to go all in at once. When integrating monitoring tools, start small. Implement monitoring in a test environment first, if possible. This allows you to see how the tools interact with your mainframe and MQ systems without risking your live environment. Then gradually roll out the monitoring across other components, making sure to test thoroughly at each step. 

Step 4: Configure Alerts and Notifications 

Monitoring without alerts is like having a security camera without a screen to watch it on. It’s not going to help much. The next step is to configure your alerts and notifications. Set up alerts for critical thresholds like queue depths, message delays, and failed transactions. These alerts should be tailored to your specific operational requirements. For example, in some setups, alerts are configured for queue depths that exceed a certain limit, which could indicate a processing bottleneck. 

However, it’s important not to go overboard. We’ve seen instances where too many alerts lead to alert fatigue, causing teams to ignore notifications because they’re constant. Focus on the most important metrics that indicate potential issues and set your alerts accordingly. 

Step 5: Train Your Team 

Next up is something that often gets overlooked: training your team. A monitoring tool is only as good as the people using it. Make sure your team understands how to interpret the data from your monitoring tools. Provide training sessions that cover how to use the monitoring dashboard, configure alerts, and respond to different types of incidents. 

We’ve worked on projects where an alert went off at 3 AM, and nobody knew what to do with it. It turned out to be a false positive, but because the team wasn’t properly trained, it was escalated as a critical incident, causing unnecessary panic. Proper training can prevent such issues. When your team knows what they’re looking at and how to react, it makes the whole process more efficient and less stressful. 

Step 6: Continuous Optimization 

Lastly, remember that integration isn’t a one-and-done deal. Continuous optimization is key to ensuring your MQ monitoring solution remains effective as your environment evolves. Regularly review your monitoring data and adjust your thresholds and alerts based on what you see. For example, if you notice that a particular queue regularly exceeds its depth threshold without causing issues, it might be time to increase that threshold. 

Also, keep an eye out for new features or updates to your monitoring tools. Software vendors frequently release updates that can improve performance, add new features, or fix bugs. Staying on top of these changes ensures that your monitoring setup remains robust and reliable. 


Integrating MQ monitoring into a modernized mainframe environment is no small feat, but it’s definitely achievable with the right approach. Start by thoroughly assessing your environment and choosing the right tools for your needs. Plan your integration carefully, configure meaningful alerts, and make sure your team is well-trained. Finally, never stop optimizing. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to a smooth integration that keeps your systems running efficiently and effectively. 

Every mainframe environment is unique, so don’t hesitate to tweak these steps to fit your specific needs. Good luck, and happy monitoring!