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By Industry

Solutions for the Financial Services Industry

Provides banks and financial institutions with real-time visibility into the lifecycle of trade events and the ability to monitor regulatory responsibilities for trade reporting.

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meshIQ Platform Supports Businesses That Need Financial Compliance

meshIQ provides banks and financial institutions with real-time visibility into the lifecycle of trade events and the ability to monitor regulatory responsibilities for trade reporting.



Compliance to Regulations


  • ACH Transaction Tracking
  • SWIFT Transaction Tracking
  • Dodd-Frank and MIFID-II Submissions


The meshIQ platform can automatically capture trade events and via its unique stitching correlate them together even when responses such as those from global trade repositories are asynchronous. It can leverage information in the message payload such as actual execution time as the trigger for an SLA alert.

Trace and Track Transactions

Transaction Stitching
The best way to monitor compliance to the regulatory reporting requirements is to provide a graphical tool that alert a user to a potential or actual breach in responsibilities in real-time.

Automated stitching across the entire lifecycle of a reportable trade event, represented graphically as a series of milestones. The user can see in real-time the progress it is making until completion.

Execution Time Tracking
Defined as when the primary economic terms are exchanged by both counterparties. In order to monitor compliance to trade reporting SLA’s, it is necessary to inspect the contents of the trade message rather than just the time stamp when it was generated.

Retrieves message content and extracts the actual Execution Time as the trigger for the SLA timer. This information is used in conjunction with milestone events gathered as the trade moves through the enterprise.

NACK Management
All trade lifecycle events must be reported to the GTR and positively acknowledged. Any parsing or validation errors associated with the transaction will be reported back to the SD as a NACK message. Monitoring systems must be able to manage the workflow associated with the NACK messages and ensure that reason codes are reported back to trade support for resolution. It is also important that Compliance can easily identify trade reports that did not conclude with a valid ACK message.

Part 43 Real-time Reporting
States specific requirements for the management of timestamps by swap dealers and major swap participants. These include recording the time to the nearest second when data is transmitted to a registered swap data repository for public dissemination.

Monitor Mandatory Data
Even when a third party entity is used to report a transaction, the swap dealer remains fully responsible for adhering to the regulation and it is therefore vital that Compliance departments can view and monitor transactions and validate key elements such as reporting party determination/override or presence of key fields such as Unique Swap Identifier (USI).

Reporting Window
CFTC has defined number of specific “Reporting Windows” for counterparties to adhere to, depending on the swap characteristics and type of trade report. These windows are also scheduled to change one year after compliance.

It is essential that any compliance department can reconcile their reporting activities at the end of the day against the daily reports generated by the GTR.

Automated, Secure, and Private Messaging Middleware Management

The meshIQ platform delivers a single pane of glass (SPOG) approach to Middleware Management. The messaging middleware administration team is able to create secure and private access for each developer to just their own queues and messages. This allows organizations with hundreds (or thousands) of developers to dramatically increase the speed of delivery of updates and new applications, while maintaining full compliance to governance and regulations and ensuring quality of service is maintained. Many of the worlds largest fintech organizations rely on the meshIQ platform today.

There are no limitations on platform, meshIQ supports on-premises, mainframe and all cloud architectures.
  • Support for IBM MQ, IBM IIB, Kafka, Tibco EMS and more.
  • Federated security and privacy.
  • Automated scheduling and roll-back.
  • Cross-queue and Cross-queue-manager support.


Meet the reporting requirement outlined in the regulations

The meshIQ platform in being used in production today by major financial institutions to deliver the reports required by the various global regulatory bodies on financial trades. And to track the submissions of these reports and to project manage any unacknowledged or declined submissions.

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meshIQ Recognized as Top 10 Banking Tech Solution

We are proud to say that meshIQ has been given the award of Top 10 Banking Tech Solution Provider 2022 in recognition of the importance of its middleware management throughout finance sector lines of business.

Streamline Financial Services with Advanced Middleware Management

Secure and streamline your financial services with specialized middleware solutions tailored for the banking and financial services industry.