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On-Demand: De-Risk Your Messaging Middleware Infrastructure!


Messaging middleware platforms are amongst the most stable and as a result, can suffer from under-resourcing as the accepted business logic is to focus resources where more immediate issues exist. This chronic lack of investment exposes your organization to several hidden risks, resulting in rolling, cascading failures with serious impacts on your business, reputation, user […]

Should You Build Your Own Solutions or Buy Packaged?


Every business must decide whether to buy off-the-shelf solutions orĀ buildĀ their own. This a complex question with deep implications that touch many areas of the business including the executive team, finance, procurement and Human Resources.

On-Demand: Tracking the Status of Regulatory Reporting of Financial Trades


Any company that manages systems associated with financial trading knows the importance (and complexity) of managing the submission of each trade to the various regulatory authorities in accordance with the plethora different global and regional regulations, and of and the importance of confirming each trade is submitted correctly and acknowledged.