Information Technology (IT) has always relied on monitoring to provide an understanding of how systems perform over time. The basics has always been to collect a series of metrics and to build an algorithm that shows how these metrics are related, and then to show when a system is either reaching the limits of its capacity or is likely to break.
Who has actually made the move off of the mainframe?
The answer is almost no one, we still all have them sitting in the basement doing what they have always done.
DevOps – Recently I’ve been investigating just how much time and effort companies put into building, configuring, using and maintaining their messaging middleware environments. And here’s what I’ve discovered.
1. Everyone is using multiple messaging middleware systems.
What is observability? What is the difference between observability vs monitoring? – Since rejoining Nastel, after a long period away in the cloud, I’ve been wondering why people are now talking about ‘observability’ when they used to talk about ‘monitoring’.
Nastel Technologies today announced that Nastel Navigator is now available through Red Hat Marketplace. Red Hat Marketplace is an open cloud marketplace for enterprise customers to discover, try, purchase, deploy, and manage certified container-based software across environments—public and private, cloud and on-premises.
COVID-19 delivered a blow to the way we all work, and almost overnight millions of us has to learn how to work remotely. For many companies this forced lesson, taught them that actually remote working can have a lot of positive benefits.
The classic methods of monitoring computing platforms created a vast array of odometers and graphs that displayed the changes over time of critical system parameters.
The thinking has always been that if you can measure key system performance and capacity parameters, then you can build up a picture of performance from which you can then calculate and predict performance issues.
Have you ever wondered why railroads are the width they are? US railroads are 4 feet 8 ½ inches in width, this may seem like an odd measurement, but there is actually a very good reason for it.
Messaging Middleware – Large enterprises generally expend about ¼ of their entire IT budget on the systems and processes to connect the disparate systems that make up complex application stacks.
When you look at how business processes are architected, they nearly always make use of a myriad of different infrastructure elements, platforms and applications, and these are all interconnected using an array of messaging middleware systems that ensure that every single request is processed even when the capacity and performance of some components causes requests to be stacked in queues.