Want to improve your Kafka projects cost efficiency & performance? Download our free eBook
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Published September 5, 2024

Deploying Kafka on Kubernetes can feel like a game-changer—mixing the powerful message streaming capabilities of Kafka with the flexible, scalable orchestration of Kubernetes. It sounds like a match made in heaven, right? Well, not so fast. While running Kafka on Kubernetes has some fantastic benefits, it also comes with its own set of challenges.

Kafka on Kubernetes Integration Strategies and Best Practices 
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Published August 28, 2024

You ever get that nagging feeling that maybe, just maybe, you’ve missed something crucial in a project? When it comes to deploying Apache Kafka, that “something” often turns out to be security. I’ve been there myself, thinking everything was running smoothly, only to realize later that I’d left the door wide open for potential security issues.

Common Kafka Security Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them | meshIQ 
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Published August 26, 2024

Kafka is a beast when it comes to handling real-time data streams, but like any powerful tool, it needs to be fine-tuned to really shine. I’ve spent more time than I’d like to admit tweaking Kafka configurations, trying to squeeze every last drop of performance out of it.

Top 10 Tips for Tuning Kafka Performance  | meshIQ
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Published August 15, 2024

Monitoring and Observability of messaging and middleware has and will continue to be a function of increasing importance and this is especially true for organizations in the Financial Services industry.  In the financial services industry, observability refers to the ability to monitor, measure, and analyze the performance, health, and security of financial systems, applications, messaging and middleware which power long running processes in real-time.

The Meaning of Monitoring & Observability in The Financial Services Industry 
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Published April 2, 2024

Monitoring Azure Service Bus (SB) comes with its own set of challenges, primarily due to the distributed nature of the service and the complexities involved in message processing and delivery. Some of the most common challenges associated with monitoring Azure SB include: 

Message Flow Monitoring: Tracking the flow of messages through various queues or topics, including understanding where bottlenecks might occur or where messages might be delayed. 

Latency Monitoring: Ensuring that messages are being processed within acceptable time frames.

Overcoming Azure Service Bus Monitoring Challenges