Want to improve your Kafka projects cost efficiency & performance? Download our free eBook
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Published January 28, 2021

Nastel Technologies announced today that it has been awarded Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN) Select Tier partner status. Using AWS, Nastel is able to accelerate its efforts to help customers take advantage of innovative cloud technology.

Nastel Awarded Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN) Select Tier Partner Status
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Published January 5, 2021

Security has always been a critical part of our society.

When the human race moved from being hunters to farmers, certain information about when to plant and harvest crops was carefully gathered though observation and experience.

When You Have Lost the Security War, You Need a New Approach
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Published January 1, 2021

The classic retailing model has been to market and sell stuff.  Seems logical enough, retailers buy products from distributors who host the products of vendors, and the goal for the retailer is to sell stuff for a profit.

The classic retailing model has been to market and sell stuff.  Seems logical enough, retailers buy products from distributors who host the products of vendors, and the goal for the retailer is to sell stuff for a profit.
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Published December 15, 2020

Business agility is critical. It’s shocking and saddening to see the number of large household names that we grew up with going into administration. Companies that have always been there and we thought always would stand the test of time.

Speed is King in COVID-19 times
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Published December 14, 2020

PRML - Do you remember how unreliable analog cell-phones were in the 80’s? You would be on a call and you would here static and distortion. Then all of a sudden we got into the digital signal era, and the quality of calls went to a new level.

How PRML changed the world as we know it
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Published November 23, 2020

There are numerous elements that affect the performance of your Java applications. Understanding them and making the appropriate choices suitable for your specific application requirements can dramatically improve performance in extremely cost-effective ways.

  1. Platform choices
  2. Library choices
  3. System Configuration choices

It may seem obvious, but with additional memory and faster memory, processors, networking, and disks your application will run faster.

Improve the performance of Java apps
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Published November 6, 2020

Almost exactly 19 years ago IBM acquired CrossWorlds Software to add to their WebSphere business-integration middleware business.  CrossWorlds was famous (or infamous) back then mainly because of its founder and approach to advertising, publicity and PR (public relations).

CX Makes This ‘CrossWorld’ Estate Sexy Again
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Published October 30, 2020

Information Technology (IT) has always relied on monitoring to provide an understanding of how systems perform over time. The basics has always been to collect a series of metrics and to build an algorithm that shows how these metrics are related, and then to show when a system is either reaching the limits of its capacity or is likely to break.

Observability is to Monitoring what Tesla is to Horse Drawn Carriage
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Published October 15, 2020

Who has actually made the move off of the mainframe?

The answer is almost no one, we still all have them sitting in the basement doing what they have always done.

Is Legacy Technology Still Your Greatest Asset?