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Published April 16, 2021

Live Webinar - De-risk your Messaging Middleware Infrastructure!

Date: Wednesday, April 21st at 11 am ET/8 am PT
Speaker: David Liff, Vice President
Host: Steven Menges, Head of Product Management

Messaging middleware platforms are amongst the most stable and as a result, can suffer from under-resourcing as the accepted business logic is to focus resources where more immediate issues exist.

De-risk your Messaging Middleware (before your preventable outage hits)
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Published April 8, 2021

Live Webinar - De-risk your Messaging Middleware Infrastructure!

Date: Wednesday, April 21st at 11 am ET/8 am PT
Speaker: David Liff, Vice President
Host: Steven Menges, Head of Product Management

Messaging middleware platforms are amongst the most stable and as a result, can suffer from under-resourcing as the accepted business logic is to focus resources where more immediate issues exist.

De-risk your Messaging Middleware (before your preventable outage hits)
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Published April 5, 2021

Customer experience, also known as CX, is a hot topic today.  Observability and AIOps (machine learning and artificial intelligence for IT operations), can be used for determining and linking transaction performance to your business performance, in real-time.  That makes them hot topics as well.  I recently spoke with two experts about the intersection of these topics to discuss what leading companies are doing (and evaluating) in these areas, and how they’re doing it.  The discussion includes these areas:

  • AIOps
  • CX (Customer Experience)
  • Observability
  • Advanced Troubleshooting and RCA (root cause analysis)
  • Next Generation Monitoring / APM
  • End-to-end Message and Transaction Tracking
  • IBM MQ, Kafka, and challenges with monitoring and management of multi-middleware environments
  • Build vs.
Leigh Reed
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Published February 26, 2021

There was a time when owning a cross-cut shredder for home use was considered the height of personal data security. Oh, how the world has changed!

Today we all receive incredible volumes of communication through email, social media, text messages, and phone calls, and each of these messages provides intimate details about us.

Even the smallest piece of data can prove valuable
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Published February 25, 2021

The classic operations toolkit revolves around monitoring sets of physical properties (such as volume, speed, capacity) and having smart people build complex algorithms that describe when an event threshold has been breached.

As systems continue to become more advanced with more moving parts and more flexibility as to how they are combined, these algorithms have become too complex for the event the smartest teams to manage, so the response has been to deploy advanced data analytics with machine learning AI capabilities to augment these teams.

Post-Pandemic Operations
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Published February 23, 2021

The pandemic hit, and the world has changed forever. I do not mean to sound overdramatic, but having 100% remote working, and 100% e-business forced on much of the business world, we have had to learn a lot of rather uncomfortable lessons.

The New Normal
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Published February 15, 2021

Ask the Experts and Innovators: Leigh Reed

Leigh Reed, a Service Automation and Assurance Analyst who is also an expert in service operations and APM, including messaging middleware and full-stack performance, and other monitoring, is my guest for this interview.  Mr.

Leigh Reed
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Published February 8, 2021

Nastel Technologies, a premier global provider of AIOps solutions covering end-to-end Transaction Tracking and Application Performance Management (APM) for mission-critical applications in mixed Cloud environments, has announced immediate availability of the new release for their Nastel XRay mobile app.

Nastel releases updated mobile apps for Nastel XRay
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Published February 3, 2021

What SolarWinds taught us all, is that trust is both a key component of the cloud, and also an incredible risk, that must be managed.

What happened at SolarWinds is almost an evolutionary theory level event.

How will risk and security change in the shadow of the Cloudflare exposure?
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Published February 2, 2021

Nastel Technologies, a premier global provider of AIOps solutions covering end-to-end Transaction Tracking and Application Performance Management (APM) for mission-critical applications in mixed cloud environments, has announced an updated, new release for their Nastel XRay mobile app for iOS and Android mobile devices.

Updated Mobile App for Nastel XRay Delivers APM Insights, Analytics for IBM MQ, Kafka Shops