Apache Pulsar vs. Apache Kafka 2022 Benchmark

You will have seen the Nastel Messaging Middleware Performance Benchmark Report comparing the performance of the commonly used messaging middleware platforms – IBM MQ, RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, ActiveMQ Classic, ActiveMQ Artemis, TIBCO EMS, and Apache Pulsar. Nastel produced this using its CyBench performance benchmarking technology.
StreamNative has also produced its own benchmark report focused on comparing Apache Pulsar vs. Apache Kafka using the Linux Foundation Open Messaging benchmark.
The report includes the following:
- Maximum Throughput Test
- Publish and End-to-End Latency Test
- Catch-up Read Test
You can download the StreamNative report here.
Nastel’s Integration Infrastructure Management (i2M) software provides IT availability monitoring and remediation, business and IT transaction tracking, and analytics for all of these middlewares, individually or in combination.